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桑迪·斯达德利(Sandy Studley)撰写

     The Ouray Alchemist is an historic museum on Main Street in Ouray, Colorado.  The proprietors are Curtis and Nancy Haggar, and both are registered pharmacists. “We help with high altitude adjustments.”  It soon became evident that not only do Curtis and Nancy have a passion for the history of alchemy, 药店。, 和医学, but they have an inspiring  passion and love for Ouray and its history.  The museum is open daily and offers guided tours.  It is one of the most popular places to visit in Ouray and calling ahead for reservations is highly recommended.

     I had a great opportunity to take the guided tour with a group of my co-workers.  We were told it would take about 2 hours, but we would have gladly stayed much longer.  Curtis has so much knowledge and is a great educator. He is an engaging storyteller, he shares his knowledge in a creative and often humorous way and his enthusiasm for his collection is contagious.  We were spellbound as he took us on a journey back in time to experience what a 药店。 looked like in the Wild West.  Using his collection of 艺术ifacts, 文章, 杂志, 和书籍, he brought to life the history of alchemy, 药店。 和医学 through the centuries.


The museum is housed in an 艺术istic and charming custom designed building.  At first sight, the architecture immediately sparked my interest.  As we approached, we could see the “whimsical” gargoyles on the roof.  步进里面, we entered a beautiful gift shop with modern day non-prescription and homeopathic items for sale.  Oxygen and other high altitude supplies are also available.  The “general store” offers local photographs, 珠宝, 艺术, 古董, many different collectables, minerals and mining 艺术ifacts, plus “advice from a friendly pharmacist”.  当我们参观礼品店时, we were surrounded by many beautiful pieces of antique furniture, including an antique spool cabinet and beautiful 艺术.
    An Infinity symbol hovering above an X is displayed around the gift shop and museum.  It is the Ouray Alchemist symbol.  It means many things, one of which is longevity or long life.  Besides attempting to turn base metals into gold, alchemists were known for their pursuit of long life. 


进入博物馆, we passed through a beautiful door that once belonged to the 阿斯彭 Drugstore, 阿斯彭, 1888年左右的科罗拉多.  It is like entering a magnificent time capsule filled with hundreds of 艺术ifacts from all around the world, some that date as far back as 350 BC.  Many of the items were found locally around the San Juan Mountains mining towns.
    柯蒂斯一直在收集, 保存, and organizing an extensive, detailed exhibit for over 40 years.  There is a unique story behind every piece and Curtis knows every story.  Curtis’s wealth of information makes him a great teacher and a talented storyteller, combining his wit and humor to pass on the information.


Curtis explained how anyone could call themselves a doctor in the early days.  Legislation made it easy to get opium during those times and anyone could mix questionable ingredients together and call it “medicine”.  He has many examples of these “magic elixirs” sold by “snake oil” salesmen.  We learned how opium was  harvested, how aspirin and penicillin were discovered and how each was used by mankind throughout time.  I was surprised to learn how eggs and eggshells were used for hygiene and healing in early times to now.  One of my favorite items was an antique soda machine and how it was used to mix medicines. I was glad I didn’t have to sit in the dentist chair on display to have my teeth repaired.  Another favorite display with a very important purpose is a carved head with the tongue sticking out.  Just as we recognize that a red and white striped pole stands for a barber shop, people knew what this 艺术ifact stood for.  On your tour, you’ll discover what this 艺术ifact stands for as well.

The alchemist museum display

     Curtis has dedicated almost a lifetime to collecting and gaining knowledge to put together this fantastic museum which shows the history of alchemy, 药店。 和医学 from near the beginning of time to the present.  He demonstrates how mankind discovered and used drugs through the centuries. This is the largest 药店。 museum in Colorado.  He even has the oldest prescription written in Colorado.
    I was so fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit the museum and tour this unbelievable collection.  What really made it special was Curtis and his enthusiasm to share his knowledge and wisdom.
    It’s an adventure you don’t want to miss!


Free Things to Do in Ouray, Colorado
